Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Here is a topic about the birds and the bees – as it relates to the animal kingdom. This is a selection of 10 of the most bizarre mating rituals known to man.
10. Red-Sided Garter Snakes
Red Sided Garter Snakes
These snakes are small and poisonous, and live in Canada and the Northwestern United States. Their highly unusual mating takes place during an enormous orgy. Hundreds snakes slither together in a large den, eager to copulate. In that pile, one female may have as many as 100 males vying for her. These ‘nesting balls’ grow as large as two feet high. Now and then a female is crushed under the heavy mound.
Interesting Fact: Some male garter snakes are able to release the same scent that females release, causing them to be mounted by hundreds of other snakes. Scientists believe this may be for warmth and protection.
9. Argonaut
Argonauts exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism in size and lifespan. Females grow up to 10 cm and make shells up to 30 cm, while males rarely surpass 2 cm. The males only mate once in their short lifetime. The males lack the dorsal tentacles used by the females to create their eggcases. The males use a modified arm, the hectocotylus, to transfer sperm to the female. For fertilization, the arm is inserted into the female’s pallial cavity, then is detached from the male.
Interesting Fact: Argonauts are capable of altering their color. They can blend in with their surroundings to avoid predators.
8. Whiptail Lizard
The whiptail lizard is an all-female species. It reproduces through a method called parthenogenesis. Each Whiptail lizard has an ovarian cycle of 21 to 28 days. When two are placed in a cage together, they synchronize their cycles so they are opposite. For 10 to 14 days, one of the females will act male, which means she mounts the other. The remaining Whiptail takes the female role by receiving; then they switch roles. This is unusual as neither is truly male. The resulting offspring of this method of mating is a perfect clone of its mother.
Interesting Fact: In the lab, through genetic manipulation, scientists have been able to artifically create true male whiptail lizards.
7. Anglerfish
The Anglerfish has one of the most unique mating methods. When a male is born, it has no digestive system so it needs to find a female (all of which do have digestive systems) quickly. When it finds a suitable female, it latches on to the side of her by biting her and it releases an enzyme that melts her skin causing the two to fuse together. The male then wastes away and the female has a permanent supply of sperm to fertilize her eggs on demand.
Interesting Fact: The anglerfish is a culinary speciality in certain Asian countries. In Japan, each fish sells for as much as $150 USD.
6. Bedbug
Bedbugs mate by “traumatic insemination” – what this means is that the male doesn’t even bother with the female sexual organs – it simply stabs the female with its own sword like sexual organ in any part of her body. Lovely. This form of mating is thought to have evolved as a way for males to overcome female mating resistance.
Interesting Fact: Bedbugs are generally active only at dawn, with a peak attack period about an hour before dawn.

5. Giant Panda
Giant Pandas are famously difficult to get to mate in captivity – at least until some bright spark in China discovered that showing them panda porn seems to help increase their libido! In 1998 the result of showing panda porn lead to the population of pandas in Wolong zoo to more than double.
Interesting Fact: Two of President Theodore Roosevelt’s sons were the first Westerners to shoot a giant panda for sport.
4. Percula Clownfish
The star fish in Finding Nemo is a clownfish. What most people don’t know, is that Nemo was neither a boy nor a girl – s/he was both! Clownfish can change gender! They will normally live together in a small group – the largest is the female, the second largest is the male, and the rest are non-mating males. If the female dies, the largest male will become the female, and the largest of the non-mating males will be promoted to the mating male.
Interesting Fact: Clownfish and damselfish are the only fish that can avoid the potent stings of an anemone.
3. Giraffe
Female giraffes associate in groups of a dozen or so members, occasionally including a few younger males. Males tend to live in “bachelor” herds, with older males often leading solitary lives. Reproduction is polygamous, with a few older males impregnating all the fertile females in a herd. Male giraffes determine female fertility by nudging the females backside until she urinates in his mouth – he uses the taste to determine whether the female is in heat.
Interesting Fact: Giraffes have extremely long tongues – often up to 45cm.
2. Porcupine
Female porcupines are only interested in sex for 8-12 hours per year. Interested males will stand on their hind legs and spray a female with urine. If she is ready and interested, she will expose her quill-less belly to the male and they will mate until they are both exhausted. if the male tires before the female, she will seek another male to take his place. If a female is not ready or interested in a male, she will make a screaming noise and shake the males urine off herself.
Interesting Fact: Porcupine meat is valued as a food for humans in parts of Africa, Italy, and Vietnam.
1. The Spotted Hyena
Unlike most other hyenas, the female spotted hyena has a pseudo-penis (enlarged clitoris). Female hyenas give birth, copulate, and urinate through their protruding genitalia, which stretches to allow the male penis to enter for copulation, and it also stretches during birth. The anatomical position of the genitalia gives females total sexual control over who is allowed to mate with them. The female is also larger than the male. In the spotted hyena family, the female really does wear the pants.
Interesting Fact: Hyenas, unlike other canids, do not raise their leg when urinating.

10 Spesies Unik (Terbaru)

1. Sea Pig

Sea Pig erat kaitannya dengan teripang, bagian dari Animalia. Panjangnya sekitar 4 inci, memiliki 10 tentakel seperti kaki yang digunakan untuk berjalan dan mencari makan di dasar laut. 

Sungguh unik cara Sea Pig menyeleksi makanannya, yaitu menggunakan indra penciuman (aroma), lalu menyingkirkan partikel organik dari lumpur dengan mengempis dan menggembungkan tentakel, barulah memakan partikel yang terperangkap dalam tentakel mereka.

2. Yeti Crab

Kepiting yeti ditemukan pertama kali tahun 2005 oleh ahli biologi laut di Samudera Pasifik. Karena bulu-bulunya mirip mahluk mitos Yeti (legenda padang salju), maka namanya pun serupa. Habitatnya di celah hidrotermal laut pasifik.


Viperfish merupakan ikan laut yang hidup di perairan tropis dan subtropis.Ukurannya bervariasi, antara  12 sampai 24 inci, hidup di kedalaman 250 sampai 5.000 kaki.

Ikan ini dapat hidup sampai 40 tahun dan tercatat dalam Guinness world recorduntuk gigi terbesar dibandingkan dengan ukuran kepalanya.

4. Japanese Spider Crab

Japanese Spider Crab (sebut saja JSC) adalah arthropoda terbesar, dengan rentang kaki bisa mencapai 3,6 meter. Habitatnya di kedalaman 150-800 meter di lepas pantai selatan pulau Honshu, Jepang. Umurnya bias mencapai 100 tahun

5. Giant Isopod

Giant Isopod hidup di laut yang sangat dalam (zona bathypelagic) sekitar 7.020 kaki di bawah permukaan lautUkurannya: panjang bisa sampai 14 inci dantinggi 30 inciOrganisme ini memiliki kemampuan untuk bertahan hidup tanpa makanan selama lebih dari delapan minggu!

6. Chinese Giant Salamander

Organisme ini adalah salamander terbesar yang diketahui ada dan habitatnya meliputi sungai dan danau seta pegunungan di China. Salamander ini bisa tumbuh hingga 73 inci dan hidup sampai usia 80 tahun.

Salamander Raksasa ini tidak memiliki kelopak mata, sehingga mencari makan tergantung pada sensor untuk mendeteksi getaran.


7. Olm

Olm merupakan organisme buta yang hidup di gua-gua air bawah tanah.Ukurannya sekitar 8-12 inci. Cara bernapasnya cukup unik, Olm tidak hanyamemiliki insang, namun juga paru-paru (walau jarang digunakan selama proses pernapasan). Seperti salamander raksasa dari China, Olm pun tergantung pada akal penciuman untuk bertahan hidup.

8. Giant Grenadier

Giant grenadier adalah satu-satunya anggota genus Albatrossia yang ditemukan di sepanjang bagian utara Pasifik dari Jepang ke Okhotsk dan laut Bering. Ikan ini bisa mencapai tujuh meter panjangnya dan hidup sampai setidaknya 56 tahun.

9. King of Herrings

Ikan ini - juga dikenal sebagai oarfish adalah ikan bertulang terpanjang yang ada. Dapat ditemukan di kedalaman dari 300-1000 meter, selalu di bawah laut dan sangat jarang muncul ke permukaan. Panjangnya 16 kaki. Pertama kali ditemukan terdampar mati di pantai di Bermuda tahun 1860.


10. Angora Rabbit 

Bukan hanya kucing yang memiliki jenis angora, kelinci pun ada. Ya, kelinci angora berasal dari Angora, Turki. Beratnya bisa mencapai 12 kilogramAda lima jenis ras kelinci Angora termasuk Inggris, Jerman, Giant, Perancis dan Satin. 


Kodok bisa Mendeteksi Gempa

Pada tahun 2009 lalu, sejumlah kodok di L'Aquila, Italia menghilang dari kolam-kolam setempat, tiga hari sebelum gempa besar.

Nona Grant, pakar biologi dari Universitas Terbuka, mengamati koloni kodok di L'Aquila sebagai bagian dari penelitiannya.

"Sangat dramatis," katanya. " 96 kodok menghilang dalam waktu tiga hari. Setelah itu saya dihubungi oleh NASA," imbuhnya.

Bersama para ilmuwan dari badan ruang angkasa Amerika Serikat, mereka mempelajari perubahan kimia yang terjadi saat bebatuan di perut bumi mengalami tekakan besar. Mereka juga tengah meneliti apakah perubahan itu terkait dengan eksodus masal kodok.

Menurut pakar geofisika, Friedemann Freund, mengatakan bebatuan di kerak bumi yang mengalami tekanan besar, mengeluarkan partikel. Partikel-partikel yang terlepas di udara saat mencapai permukaan Bumi menjadi molekul udara yang disebut ion.

Perubahan kimia ini dapat mempengaruhi bahan organik yang larut di air dan menjadikan bahan ini beracun untuk binatang yang tinggal di air. Itulah penyebab hewan seperti kodok bisa mendeteksi perubahan aneh yang terjadi di alam.

Mekanisme ini rumit dan para ilmuwan mengatakan proses ini perlu diuji lagi secara cermat.

Senada dengan Freund, hipotesa para peneliti (dalam laporan yang diterbitkan di Jurnal Internasional untuk Penelitian Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat) mengatakan batu-batu di kerak Bumi mengeluarkan partikel bermuatan, sebelum gempa dan hal ini mempengaruhi air.

Para ilmuwan memperkirakan kodok dapat mendeteksi perubahan ini sebelum lempeng tektonik bergeser. Dr Freund mengatakan sikap binatang ini dapat menjadi salah satu dari sejumlah hal yang dapat digunakan sebagai petunjuk gempa.

Foto gempa di L'Aquila, Italia (

"Begitu kita mengerti semua sinyal ini dan melihat ada empat atau lima petunjuk yang mengarah pada hal yang sama, maka kita bisa memperkirakan sesuatu akan terjadi," ujar Dr Freund, seperti dikutip dari BBC Nature.

Hewan memang lebih peka terhadap gejala-gejala yang terjadi di alam. Kita sebagai manusia masih harus banyak belajar pada alam. Ini menjadi bukti betapa hebat hasil ciptaan Tuhan, bukan?

Sumber: - BBC.Co.Uk